Help your leadership take the LEAP
This two-day experience includes assessments, education, team building, role-playing, and individual coaching to help your leaders engage and feel empowered to represent the best in your organization
Part 1
Day one learning about oneself. Values, communication, conflict management, stressors, and strengths. We will use an MBTI profile and Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment to better understand who we are as an individual
Part 2
It is through self-discovery that one can learn best was true diversity means. Diversity is a big topic, and the conversation begins with understanding that our individual needs are different than someone else’s. We close day one talking about diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Part 1
Understanding that everyone expresses and wants different levels of interpersonal exchange, we will explore the FIRO-B with the group. The forum will dive deeper into what it means to lead with others in mind.
Part 2
The forum concludes with training and role-plays in various situational leadership scenarios using your team’s real-world examples. The group explores goal setting, diagnosing competence and commitment toward a goal, and adjusting leadership methods to get the best from their team.
The LEAP Process
We begin with a virtual meeting to introduce the program, assessment, and expectations
Time is used to complete the assessments & answer questions
A day 1 focus on Values, MBTI, Strengths, DEI
Day 2: DiSC, FIRO, SLII, Goal Setting, Delegation, Coaching, Time Management
Check list daily and weekly leadership exercises
Create buddy system
Small group follow up
Additional coaching and follow up is available
The MBTI is used to help our participants understand how they gain and lose energy, take in information, make decisions, and present those conclusions. The reports include information on communication, leadership, conflict, and stress
The personalized content in the profile deepens self-understanding through the DiSC model. People gain insight into their own preferences and tendencies, learn more about relating to others and receive actionable strategies to help them improve their interactions and ultimately, their performance.
The FIRO-B assesses the expressed and wanted inclusion, control, and affection of our participants. Part of being a leader is understanding how much we naturally give and how much our team needs to receive.
Clifton Strengths focuses on what an individual has a natural talent toward. Then using that talent, focuses on how it can become a strength that can be refined and applied to various situations.
SLII is an easy-to-understand, practical framework that enables your managers to diagnose the development level of an employee for a task: D1 – Enthusiastic Beginner; D2 – Disillusioned Learner; D3 – Capable, but Cautious, Contributor; and D4 – Self-Reliant Achiever. Managers then use the appropriate directive and supporter behaviors to help them succeed: S1 – Directing; S2 – Coaching; S3 – Supporting; and S4 – Delegating.
“There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.”
John C. Maxwell